Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Persecution of 'Jesus Christ Superstar.'

Hello everyone, tis your holiness, Tristan. Long time no see huh? Or should I say blog? Read? Hm, I'll have to think about that one.

So this entry is a serious entry, an entry on a topic that really gets to me, now, do you know what that topic is? Well, it's the persecution of Jesus Christ...Superstar. Yes, the broadway musical and the very successful and memorable 1973 film. But let's stop waffling about the greatness of this film and get to the seriousness of the subject. For some reason people find this film sacrilegious, although most of those nay sayers have never seen the film but feel they should judge it just because of the name, Jesus Christ SUPERSTAR, for some reason the word "superstar" rings sacrilegious when in the same title as "Jesus Christ." "Jesus is more than just a superstar, he's God!" most of these nitwits will protest, but yet they call Jesus a human, yes Jesus was a human and he was God (100% human and 100% God) But in human terms Superstar is the highest form of flattery. And in heavenly terms God is the highest form of flattery (at least in my opinion) Now aside from that there is 1 more "sacrilegious atrocity" And it's that it is a musical, somehow Jesus singing is sacrilegious?! Now, I could say that it's sacrilegious if Jesus had a top hat and a cane dancing around with tap shoes, or maybe some fishnet outfit out of 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show," but there's nothing like that! The music in it is, touching, heart felt, and totally not sacrilegious, sure King Herod's scene is a little provocative, but still, that's how King Herod was, a bi curious heckler.

So basically what I'm getting at is that people take Jesus too seriously, have a little fun with him (but not as far as 'Jesus Christ Vampire Slayer'), Jesus is your friend, and probably loves 'Jesus Christ Superstar.' And don't get the wrong idea from what I'm saying, I LOVE JESUS. I'M A BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN. And respect Jesus, don't spit on a picture of him. So I really hope and pray that all you haters and judgmental bible thumpers will watch the film, and realize that there's heart and soul in this film, more than 'The Passion.' Believe me it does, so go out and watch it. BYE!!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I'm gonna change my way of thinking.

Oh hai there, Internetz, it's me, your all powerful dictator, with a more "serious" blog.
If you know me, or read this here blog you'll know that I am one of the most old fashioned, opinionated, controversy provoking people you will ever meet, I hate this generation, it's attitude, it's music, it's films, and all around culture. But I've come to discover, maybe I should change my way of thinking, be more free, stop belly aching about things that piss me off, embrace the culture, instead of damning it, maybe I should, I think I will. Not to be liked more, but to not have as much hate and strife in me. I'll still be against some things, disrespecting girls, elders, ect. I'll still be myself, but not as hateful, make sense? Yeah well, this is the start of a new loving, embracing, Tristan, the right Tristan.

Have a nice day, bye.